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Keeping Teens Safe in Overtime


San Pedro High School football games are exciting community events. Students, teachers, parents and alumni turn out to cheer on the Pirates and celebrate the results of games.

Unfortunately, post-game revelry often leads to unsafe situations. Our new Director of Teen Services Anthony Luna, an alumnus of San Pedro High School and former San Pedro Club member, is familiar with the gang violence that often occurs following games and immediately started developing a solution to keep our Club members safe. This football season marked the introduction of Overtime at our San Pedro Club. This is part of our initiative to identify the times that we feel surrounding neighborhoods are most dangerous and give our teens a safe and fun place to pass the time.

During Overtime our San Pedro Club high school center remains open until 10:30 in the evening after games and students are provided with free post-game snacks. Activities change every evening and have included carnival themed games, a dance, athletic games and a talent show.

So far, 50 to 100 students attend Overtime evenings, but we are getting the word out to attract more youth into the Club for a safe game night.

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