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Celebrating Literacy


On March 3, we celebrated Read Across America 2014 by the National Education Association and Dr. Seuss’s birthday with events marking the importance of childhood literacy. As part of our Triple A Strategy, we are committed to helping our youth excel in reading comprehension. Coincidentally our two events centered around books about traveling and exploring new lands.

San Pedro Honorary Mayor Kathy Carcamo celebrating

Dr. Seuss’s birthday with our Port of LA Club youth.

Our Port of LA Boys & Girls Club Director Sonia Espinoza organized a special reading event to commemorate what would have been the 110 birthday of Dr. Seuss. San Pedro Honorary Mayor Kathy Carcamo attended to read Oh, the Places You‘ll Go to our elementary school youth. Our Club members also created their own Cat in the Hat top hats as part of the celebration.

United Way of Greater Los Angeles sponsored our Read Across America event at our Wilmington Boys & Girls Club. Michael Smith attended to read his book, What in the World!: Wild, Weird, and Wonderful Adventures of a Wanderer about his travels around the world. Our middle school and high school youth heard first hand about Mr. Smith’s adventures through 30 countries and what he learned during his travels.

Michael Smith sharing his book with the help of one of our students.

We celebrate literacy every day at our Clubs with tutoring in reading, activities to help increase reading comprehension, book clubs for our middle and high school youth and expansion of our Early Literacy Program. We could not accomplish this without the support of organizations and volunteers who help us improve the quality of our programs and reach more youth.


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